Dealing With Self Harm Behaviors | BAHAGIAN KAUNSELING UPM
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Dealing with Self Harm Behaviors

By : Kemelia binti Omar K.B,P.A


Self Harm is any act that is done intentionally to cause pain and damage to oneself. For example, injuring the hand with a sharp object, burning the skin with hot coals, or scratching the skin until it bleeds.

But it's not just physical harm, some also commit self-harm by drinking excessively, taking drugs or intentionally having sex in an unsafe manner with the aim of releasing negative emotions to harm themselves.

This self-injurious behavior gives satisfaction to the individual who does it and makes the individual feel better. In addition, the pain caused by this self-inflicted injury is also considered to replace the pain felt emotionally. Therefore, they choose to hurt themselves physically.


1. Know Your Condition

Recognize situations that prompt you to self-harm. Usually there are some things that make you do that behavior. Therefore, you need to stay away from it. For example, keep sharp objects such as scissors and knives out of easy reach. If there is a situation that makes you want to hurt yourself, immediately avoid it and take your mind off it.

2. Share Feelings with Family/ Friends/ Counselors

For friends who are trying to overcome this problem, let's start talking about the feelings and situations that are being experienced with the closest people who can be trusted. Talking about your feelings directly can help you reduce your urge to self-harm and can help those closest to you understand your emotions.

And for those friends who may be closest to engaging in self-injurious behavior, respond with love and non-judgement. You should realize that their behavior is an attempt to deal with painful feelings and encourage them to find an outlet for their negative feelings.

In addition, you should immediately seek help from a professional such as a counselor before it is too late.

3. Handle Emotions Well

If you feel sad, let all your emotions out. You can cry, you can scream, and you can let your feelings out. However, never hurt yourself or others, remember not to hide your feelings!

It is better, if you try to identify and write down the negative feelings you feel, that way you better understand what you are feeling and be able to accept them.

4. Learn How to Change Substitute Behavior

You need to start replacing your negative behavior with something harmless, you need to keep your hands busy so you can be distracted from hurting yourself. However, you can't let go of your hand until the urge to do so subsides.

You can divert it by writing, playing guitar, washing dishes, eating, holding ice cubes and gripping rubber balls.


Date of Input: 28/04/2023 | Updated: 28/04/2023 | ayna


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